Xiaomi Mi Notebook Coming Today And An Announcement Made Yesterday,1080p display, Core i7 CPU

Xiaomi Mi Notebook Coming Today And An Announcement Made Yesterday,1080p display, Core i7 CPU

Xiaomi Is Going To unveil the new Mi Notebook Today at noon, India time. You can also watch the live stream of the event in YouTube. Yesterday, the company offered a last round of sneak peeks. The laptop will be “ultra thin” and “ultra light” and it will have an SSD.

The company advertises that as 30x faster than HDDs. Which it may well be, but this is hardly the first Mi laptop to have an SSD And Could Be The Game Changer Of The Laptop Industry.
Anyway here’s a short video that shows a few amazing close-ups of the laptop. There’s something interesting going on with the keyboard (longer key travel, perhaps?), we’ll find out what today. So are you ready for this? 

The event page for today’s reveal shows a few key specs for the laptop – a 1080p screen, Intel Core i7 processor, the aforementioned SSD and a promise of long battery life. Stay tune for today's event for the rest of the details.

If you don’t feel like going to the store, Xiaomi will publish an AR app that will let you explore the Mi Notebook from the comfort of your own home.

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